“motions4emotions” ve “my Glass Bowl Broke. Where İs My Helicopter Family?” Adlı Etwinning Sergimiz

Sergimize teşrifi ve eğitime destek tavır ve yaklaşımıyla bizi onurlandıran İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürümüz Hasan Yıldırım’a çok teşekkür ederiz. “Motions4Emotions” ve “My Glass Bowl Broke. Where is my helicopter family?” adlı eTwinning projelerimizi nihayete erdirmenin gurur ve mutluluğunu keyifli bir sergiyle kutlayıp; projelerimizi öğrenci, ebeveyn, öğretmen, herkese tanıttık! Hiçbir detayı anlatmayı da unutmadık. Final ürünü kitaplarımızı da incelemeye sunup dileyenlere hediye etmekten ayrıca mutluluk duyduk.


We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our District Director of National Education, Hasan Yıldırım, for honoring us with his presence and supporting our educational efforts. We celebrated the completion of our eTwinning projects, “Motions4Emotions” and “My Glass Bowl Broke. Where is my helicopter family?”, with a delightful exhibition. During the event, we presented our projects to students, parents, teachers, and the entire community, ensuring no detail was left out. We also took great pleasure in displaying and gifting our final product books to those interested.

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