Vertical Farming For The Water Of Future


Proje hakkında

In recent years, how global warming affects the ecological balance in all countries and its negative effects on the temperature increase that is above the seasonal normal has been increasing. As a result, irreversible and fatal consequences arise in the unconscious use of water resources. Temperatures that are excessively above the seasonal norms, evaporation rate due to greenhouse effect increases, while the amount of precipitation is not at the same level, unconscious use and pollution of resources create major problems today and in the coming years. There are researches that it will become an even bigger deadly problem.

Here, we aimed to create an awareness about water literacy at the basis of our project and to show the solution proposals concretely by testing alternative solutions with the experimental method. In the implementation process of our project, we will demonstrate with concrete practices that bring a different perspective to the conscious and economical use of our

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Burdur Merkez Taşkapı Ortaokulu

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